60 Days Sober From Alcohol. What To Expect and What I Found.

September 14, 2021

60 Days Sober From Alcohol. What To Expect and What I Found.

Sixty days sober! OK, it was only a few days since I last blogged about being 8 weeks sober. But, 60 days sober just sounds like a milestone that needs to be written about.

Plus, the app that I use recognises it as a milestone – so am sticking with it and including this one 🙂

So here we are, at the 60-day point. If you are reading this and you did not hit the 60 days sober, please simply click here and we can reflect on what is happening.

60 days eh?

Good going!

There is a lot of talk about sober milestones, and 60 days sobreity is certainly one of those big ones!

There is lots of research etc around online about what to expect after 60 days without drinking. As I was documenting my journey. I thought now would be a good time to take a comparison online.

Look at what others are saying we should expect after 60 days without booze.

So I did.

I compared. I compared with what the ‘ex[erts’ said I should be experiencing, the textbooks…and the general internet public.

Here is some of the results of findings around…and then more specific MY findings.

If you are now at your 60 days without alcohol point, amazing! Let’s look at just some of the benefits that you may well be experiencing.

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About the Author

The Alcohol Off Switch



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